Friday, March 20, 2009

San Diego Part 2

First of all I'm so glad UofA beat Utah today!!!

So my trip to San Diego is winding down and we will be back on the road tomorrow morning. The last couple days have been really nice and relaxing, unlike the drive here. Thursday we wen't to Pacific Beach and walked around the shops and played with the dogs on the beach until we got kicked off. Dogs aren't allowed on the beaches until after 4pm. But they enjoyed it while it lasted. We came back to the hotel and the weather was so nice that I decided to take a nap out by the pool and work on my tan. Later that evening we did some more shopping.

Today was by far my favorite day. This morning we went to La Jolla Cove to see the Seals. Its amazing to see them all down there, their stinky but so cute.

After that we went to Ocean Beach because I heard they had a 24hr dog beach. This was the most amazing this for dogs. I loved it. My little Lola had so much fun. Max isn't very friendly sohe wasn't allowed off of his leash but he still enjoy it. This also happened to be the best place to collect sea shells for some reason. I have uploaded some funny viedos of dog beach on my myspace page. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

San Diego Part One

So my parents and I started our drive to San Diego this morning and the trip was doomed from the beginning. I woke up this morning with a bit of a stomach bug and ended up having to leave about an hour later than planned. I wasn't eating anything to avoid being sick so liquids went right through me which resulted in many more bathroom breaks than planned.

So we finally get going and are trucking along and then we come to the border patrol check point. This was more funny than aggravating. So we pull up and the drug sniffing dog comes and sniffs the outside of the car and then they tell you to pull forward to verify your citizenship. Well apparently the drug sniffing dogs can smell narcotics so I was asked to pull over to the side turn the car off and step out of the vehicle. The dog tore my car apart and found my Tylenol with codeine which I brought because I had been having problems with a kidney stone. I'm glad to see that they are taking things so seriously, I just found it kind of funny.
We finally made it to the hotel a couple hours later than expected so we were more than ready to get to our room and relax for a bit. We walk into our room and the floors had just been cleaned and are still soaking wet so I called the front desk and they were more than happy to switch our room. This is where it gets funny. We get into our new room and quickly notice that they gave us a bit of an upgrade and right when we are about to make ourselves comfortable we realize there is other peoples suitcases in the room, I'm just glad the people weren't actually in there. Finally we get a room that has dry carpet and is not occupied by anyone else, and they waived the pet fee since there was so much confusion. The staff was great and was super accommodating.
I just hope the rest of the trip goes smoothly. The dogs were great in the car but not so friendly at the beach but we'll work on that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Reads...

A couple of summers ago I bought a book while in Utah and ever since I have been hooked on this authors books. Her name is Jennifer Weiner.  She wrote the book "In Her Shoes" which was turned into a movie. She wrote several other great books and I have now finished all of them.  I don't know what to do now.  I usually read for about an hour before I go to bed to get my mind off of school and work and others things but last night I had nothing to read, the t.v. in my room isn't hooked up yet so I just laid in bed, looking at the ceiling.  I need to find another good
Anyway I would recommend her books to anyone...i love them!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Last Thursday marked the beginning of midterms for me. It was possibly the most intense midterm/final/test that I have taken in my college career. It was for a class called schooling in America and it was 20 short answer questions about all of the different theories, schools, people, and acts/laws that made education what it is today. I ran out of time and had to leave one question unanswered so hopefully I did okay. Throughout this week I have 3 more midterms so by the end of the week I will be more the ready to head to San Diego for spring break.

I tried to do some relaxing this weekend and got to spend some time by the pool on saturday, it probably wasn't quite warm enough for that yet but it was fun. On sunday I had to work. Believe it or not I had fun. I really enjoy the people I work with. The kids can make or break you day but we had a could group and I really enjoyed getting outside and paying with them. And as always I made time to play with the puppies!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It seems that everyone has a blog but me so I decided I better jump on the bandwagon. I always thought I was somewhat computer and technology savvy, but I can't figure this whole blogging thing out for the life of me. Any pointers would help!