Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Reads...

A couple of summers ago I bought a book while in Utah and ever since I have been hooked on this authors books. Her name is Jennifer Weiner.  She wrote the book "In Her Shoes" which was turned into a movie. She wrote several other great books and I have now finished all of them.  I don't know what to do now.  I usually read for about an hour before I go to bed to get my mind off of school and work and others things but last night I had nothing to read, the t.v. in my room isn't hooked up yet so I just laid in bed, looking at the ceiling.  I need to find another good
Anyway I would recommend her books to anyone...i love them!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Have you read Confessions of a Shopaholic? That sounds like something you'd like, but I haven't actually read it myself yet. You need to join I have a long list of books that I have read on there, and a lot of friends with even more suggestions.